Saturday, February 13, 2010


Oh how my heart hurts for pastors. How do we get so far off course? How do leaders like Matt Edahl kill themselves? Oh, satan, you may have won this battle but the Lord will strike you down. As long as I shall live, I will fight you tooth and nail. You shall not have any of my children and you will never take me down. My fortress is the Lord and He will protect me. His rebuke is gentle and leads me to protection. Your arrows do not stand up to the shield of my faith which is in Christ Jesus. You may have won with Matt Edahl, but you will not win with me. You will not win with my children. You will not win with my family. You will not win with my ministry. You will not win in this world. Your time is coming. The King of Kings and the Lord of all Lords will slay you. He will strike you down and cast you into the pits forever and ever. My protection is in Him and in Him will I trust. He is my solitude. He is my peace. He is my strength. Until that day when he calls me home, ever will I stand with him and stand against you. You will not win. I hate you so. I hate what you have done to me. I hate what you have done to this world and to Pastors like Matt Edahl. Your cowardice and relentless attack only forces me to stand at Hell's gates and turn away every person I can. I will smell like smoke. You will claw at me and try to draw me in, but the LORD will not let you! You cannot stand against me because He is greater. My protection will keep me safe while I smell like smoke and push people away from eternal damnation.